Amazon's new app; Pricecheck

By One-handed Buddha on Wednesday, December 14, 2011 with 0 comments

Amazon recently launched a new app, to be used from smartphones, that is able to scan barcodes of physical products and compare them to their online prices. On the web there seems to be some controversy around this app.  Some see it as distastefull or even as the works of the evil multinational against the good old mom and pop shop.

Those who are so fiercely against this app thereby implicitely admit that shopping online is better "value". I use the term value as i think shopping online and live offer a different experience and this is an intrinsic part of the purchase. Physical shopping may be more expensive when prices are directly compared but there is no social aspect to it. Like making a day of it with your wife or daughter or family.

Online you can't inspect the product as well. Perhaps most important there is no instant gratification. You have to wait for the damned delivery...

Some come up with the argument people will still go on the physical experience but scan all the codes and order online (then and there from the smartphone)

I want to argue that if the consumer ultimately values getting better deals above instant gratification and coming home with some new items from a day of shopping then so be it.

Perhaps the day has come that technology has improved the way we can allocate capital and human resources in our society to what is essentially distribution.  Technology may finally stand on the brink of wiping out the traditional retail(distribution) model and thereby decreasing our cost of living.

Will mom and pop lose their jobs? Yes. Is that bad? Ultimately it isn't. There is a shift in where human resources are best allocated and standing behind the counter in a shop when that really isn't required
anymore is not where you should want anyone to waste their talent.

Many industries throughout history have florished and vanished and you wouldn't even remember some of them, yet people were upset when it happened. Don't be upset but look for and create new opportunities. Perhaps you can wipe out a dinosaur of an industry?

Category: amazon , pricecheck , retail , vanishing retail industry



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